▐ 1108* dad hb @ Chilis ▐

Last saturday was my dad's birthday :D

Went to Chilis @ KLCC

There was crowded with people!

Need to wait, too many people..

Luckily we just need to wait for about half hour x)

The place is quite narrow, so that have more tables..

The Quesa Combo quite nice!! It wraps of chicken and beef :D

Others okay only larrr.. 

I more like last time at Morganfields 1.. HAHA :P

Birthday special! Brownie!

Actually I just wanna to eat the ice cream only, haha..

If got people's birthday, you can go to these restaurant and have a birthday dessert,

for FREE! Is small size lah of coz :)

全家福! Did you see my sister?!! HAHAHA :D

After that, we also bought a small cake, Mocha cake x)

RM20++, beside the Nandos.. 

pretty valuable larr..

Ignore my stupid face!! Bla bla bla...........

Happy Birthday my lovely father ♥

Okay, now i have a less than 2 weeks "holidays"..

I really hope it's a holiday!!! /.\

Actually it's used to prepare for my final exam.. aduii..

I dont have the mood to study larrr..

F4F5F6, why are you so many things???!!!


FML, 最近好像事事不顺.. 应该是说本来就是..

FML, 电脑又坏了.. 讨厌用 laptop..

FML, I HATE YOU 皮肤敏感!!


I should have some positive energy.. :S

用微笑包裝一個 心碎的現場 
給你的祝福的話 也許並不假 
眼淚流出感慨和遺憾 你說我今天很漂亮 
怎麼聽了 覺得尷尬  

說再見後的勇敢 不過是好強 
說晚安後的孤單 喧嘩到天亮 
有一種愛從來都不講 有一種傷自顧著傷 
卻 無法遺忘  

是我還放不下 放不下那些年那些夢那些瘋狂 
是我還放不下 你許給我的天堂  
可是再放不下 也不能讓過往讓幸福回來身旁 
留不住的眼光 在回憶裡猖狂  
你轉身後的世界 每天都一樣 
你身邊那個笑容 掩不住飛揚

无意中听到这首歌,很好听的一首 emo 歌 x))


有时侯就是很喜欢听 emo 歌..

在 emo 的时侯,听 emo 的歌,就没有酱 emo 了..

- - = +

哈哈哈~ 好奇怪叻 xD

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oopsssss! I know you have something to say! :P



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