▐ 0607* Holiday onzzz :D▐


Teeeheeeeee Finally!!!!!

I have been waiting for a long time ago..

But just 3 weeks.. sigh..

Few weeks ago celebrated ++ birthday :D 

This is the present that we gave her.. Starbucks tumbler

DIY wallpaper by me bear daph teeeheee

SO DAMN NICE HOR???! We love it so much ♥

Enjoyed our dinner at Tony Rama 

Yes, we are so yimzhim before that == #TypicalMalaysian

Some idiots in the picture hahahhaa

So nice, got free dessert and a bunch of waiters sang birthday song :))

But don't give us refill soft drinks -_____- I don't get it..

Snowflake as our dessert :D

Hope you sweet sweet forever with your lunlun :)

Happy super very belated the fifth time of 18th birthday HAHAHA

Changed blog template. Simple white.

How does it feel?? I like it hahaha

But the only problem is the thumbnail picture in the home page..

I couldn't figure out where to change the css..

Css made me mad!!! Damn it ==

But nvm overall is nice mahhh hehe

Above that is my account can follow me :)

If you want to view more post, can click that mini size buttion on the down right side.

Or just go to blog archive there.

Also added the pages.. Just a little bit only..

Hope one day I can post more and more post in that two pages.

One of my small little dream haha :)

宅女生活: ONZ 

Is time to chase drama!!! 

I have already few months no watched >w<

And gonna date my friends hehe

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oopsssss! I know you have something to say! :P



Contact: ycchoi23@hotmail.com