Oh Yeah!!
Last Monday had hang out with my dear friend ♥ choo choo
HAHAHA!! Really long time no see larr.. after graduation..
And we had a long time no hang out already!!!!
Miss it.. since our junior moment..
We have been knowing each other for almost 10 years leh~!!
She is the most long & old friend that I have keep in touch recently :))
我绝对不会忘记我们在循中怎么相遇的 xD 哈哈哈~
再过后上了中学,就这样巧遇~ 呵呵 :P
We have watched "Hotel Transylvania" in 3D.
First time watch 3D leh.. coz no 2D in pav..
Not bad larrr.. But I think if watch 3D should watch some more exciting movie @@
It's a nice cartoon movie!!
Actually all the cartoon movie is nice, I think larrr.. haha..
OMG!! The lil bat is soooooooooo CUTE & ADORABLE!!!!!
Love it sooooooooo much!!! hehe ♥.♥
The lil fox Winnie also soooo cute!!! hahaha..
Had Snowflake :D Long time no eat already..
Miss it so much.. coz TS don't have it /.\
First time eat hot thing leh.. nice ehh!
Btw, we had a super mega cheap lunch outside pav..
I felt surprised when you bring me to the 茶餐室 that I eat every week..
And it's opposite my dad's office -.- HAHAHA!!!!!
Finally I knew that is your friend de parents open geh @@
I love the moment being chit-chating with my friends :))
Choo choo, pls take good care of my umbrella xP
We will be meeting soon!!!
噢买尬!!! STRESS!!!!
想去年的今天,我还在 “假期” 中..
备考 == 备战统考.. 拼统考!!
虽然以前很多科,可是却有啃书的 mood..
现在?? 什么 mood 都没有了!!
越来越懒了.. 真的.. 什么问题吖??
No motivation at all.. Arghhhh...........!!
虽然现在只考 3 科,可是我觉得我就快死掉了..
头脑的容量越来越小了.. 背不到东西了..
老了么?? >w<
Tax ah tax.. 做莫你酱难的??
现在的状况就好像我 3 年前的状况,对 bookkeep 对到晕 thor thor ==
突然好想念文庭吖~ 你在哪里??
我要找你补习呀 /.\
Haizzz.. 还有 20 几天就 mock exam 了..
还有 2 个月就 Final exam 了!!! O.O
Aduiii.. I'm gonna crazy..
没有人催我们去读书了.. 咱们的卉姐呀~
** 改一下.. 祝福你~ ACCA 顺利!!! xD
啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书
啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书
啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书
啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书
啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书
啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书 啃书
Watch variety show RM & laugh like hell like him!!!!!
Syok sendiri!!! xD
这个是我在家舒解压力的方法,不要阻止我咯~ 哈哈哈!!!
Wednesday have MS exam..
All the best!!! I pretty sure we can pass one!!!
& All the best for TJHS's friends in final exam :)
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oopsssss! I know you have something to say! :P