▐ 0526* 坚持到底!!! ▐

wow!! I feel like an OL :P

First time dress like this, very uncomfortable loh ==

I love T-shirt & pants much much more!!!! :DD

OMG.. I really like a GUY.. :S

That day we had Moral Presentation, wanna wear formal.

Long time no spoke in the public already.. very gan jiong loh..

I spoke like a piece of shit.. shit.. shit.. =X

Luckily this is a group assignment, no need face myself only

Our group presentation marks a little bit low larrr.. haizzz..

Hope the assignment will more higher marks larrrr..

I just wanna PASS my moral plsssss..

This is my group members :)) All lengluii~~ hahahaha!!

That day all wear till so smart larrr :D

My college bestie :D

Sakura here!! xD

We sexy & we know it !! :P

Don't keep 放电 with me already larr..  ada orang will cemburu de!! xD

Mr.Issac 矮萨克 xD

高人一等!!! o.O

看什么看?? We are the successful OL xD

苡羚 :D

My course got many lenglui!!! Right??? :D

But no lengzai.. /.\


他娘的.. 竟然在考试前发烧???!!!

老天爷真爱玩我吖.. 唉..


要大考了.. 又不想啃书..

很难顶吖.. 怎么办????!!!!

读了好像没有读,做的时候更是挫败.. :S

我要 PASS 就好.. 要求不多..

29 号就考了.. 紧张死了!!!!

很像 undang 酱的叻.. 考完后即刻知道成绩!!

我会心脏病爆发 -.-.. 还是叫别人帮我看成绩呗..

快点过完喇.. 我期待 6 月 12 日后.. x))

1st sem wanna finish already lohh..

真的很快很快下 @@ 真的很快!!


一个字: 惨 ==

我觉得我会读到吐血咯.. OMG..



毕业后就能赚钱喇!!!! 向 $$$$$$$$$$ 看~~~~


我 成熟了 :)

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Contact: ycchoi23@hotmail.com